Annual Life Insurance Check-up...

This is extremely important and something most people do not do.
— Melissa Levin

Our Services


Tax Free Supplemental Retirement Income

There are limited options on tax free retirement options. Our team of specialists can create a stream of tax advantaged retirement income options for you.

Business Succession Planning

Let's continue your legacy. If you cannot afford to lose a key employee or business partner you will need to have a plan.

Legacy/Estate Planning

What will you pass on to your loved ones? Do you have a plan? We can help you build the right plan for your family.

Do you plan on leaving money to your heirs?  If so, we put strategies together designed to help maximize what you will leave to them - this must be planned for in advance.   

Education/College Funding

There are benefits to using life insurance as a funding vehicle for your educational planning needs.  We can help you discover if this is the right fit for you

Free Review Of Your Life Insurance Policies

The cost of insurance has gone down over the years.  We will review your policy to see if you can keep the same benefits with a lower cost - or increase your benefits but not pay any more. 

Do you have permanent policies that should last until you die?  Many times that isn't the case.  It is VERY important you review your policies annually.  Your policy could be ready to lapse. A lapse means a life insurance policy is no longer an active contract.  We offer a free life insurance CHECK-UP to make sure your policy is still meeting your goals - and if not.. we will help you figure out what the best thing to do is. 

Iindividual, Life, Disability, Long Term Care Insurance

Need advice on the best plan in a complex insurance market? We've got solutions to help build your custom plan.

Charitable Giving

Are you planning on leaving money to charity when you pass?  We can help you figure out a plan to maximize what you give to charity as well as give you tax benefits.